So many of us live our lives trying to please God and trying to please others. The Cross removed the need for us to try to be good enough. Christ’s payment for sin is complete.
If you are a child of God, you have riches that are yours, just waiting for you to discover in His Word. This study will show you where. If you’re not sure that you are God’s child, it will show you how to become one.
“Jerri’s depth, understanding, and teaching methods give every impression of a seminary doctorate. She has a talent for communicating to a new believer.” – Jim Greer, Minister of Music, retired
“Whether you are searching for life’s meaning, looking for answers to difficult questions in your Christian journey, or simply wanting encouragement, peace & hope – this study is for you.” – Cliff Palmer, Pastor / Bible Teacher
“Jerri has been my ‘sister friend’ since she led me to the Lord over 20 years ago. We have walked through fun times and tough times together. I’ve seen her heart to reach others for Christ. We are blessed to finally have this study in print.” – Jo Harris, Tulsa, Oklahoma
“You (Jerri) came to the bank where I work for a seminar. I miscarried the following day. I couldn’t find anything to wear to work the next day because I didn’t want to wear maternity clothes. I remembered the things you said. It helped me so much to feel better about the way I looked.” – Sarah R.
“Jerri has put on paper some great information that every Christian should know and new Christians need to know.” – Donna Brooks, Oklahoma Baptist Home for Children
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JERRI MASON and her husband Rick live in West Virginia.