31 Lessons I Learned From My Dog Raylene King's first book is such an exciting experience for both author and publisher. Front Porch Resources is happy to present her first endevour into the writing world. Below is Raylene's personal story of how her book, 31 Lessons...
The Practical ABC’s of Home Missions – by Phyllis Elliott Elvington
The Practical ABC's of Home Missions - Sharing Jesus' love in your circle of influence! Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, "The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” The Practical ABC’s of...
The Practical ABC’s of Reducing Stress – by Phyllis Elliott Elvington
The Practical ABC's of Reducing Stress - Living your life with less worry and more joy! Jesus said in John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” The Practical ABC’s of Reducing Stress…Living your life...
How the Spirit Filled My Life – by Bertha Smith
How the Spirit Filled My Life The secret of Bertha Smith’s courage and effectiveness throughout a century-long life is that she learned how to die to self…This is the key to spiritual victory, to personal revival, and to effectiveness in ministry. Bertha Smith lived...
Recapturing the Biblical Epic of Prayer – by Dr Rob Finley
Recapturing the Biblical Epic of Prayer This sweeping historical look traces prayer throughout the lives of the patriarchs, the judges, the kings, the prophets, Christ, and the apostles. $ 10.95 (includes shipping) As president, author, and primary speaker for Prayer...
Iceberg Dead Ahead – by Dr Greg Frizzell
Iceberg Dead Ahead! “Recognizing Our “Day of Visitation” Before It’s Too Late” When we look at America and most churches, we are forced to one biblical conclusion — we are already under some measure of judgment and it is quickly worsening! By many indications, there...
Holiness – by Dr Rowland Myburgh
Holiness - Right Living in Post Modern Society This excellent book examines holiness in a clear and comprehensive way. The theological, yet practical content makes it an important read for followers of Christ. No doubt will be left as how we ought to live for God....
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Stories I Heard in West Africa – by Dave Naff
Stories I Heard in West Africa Stories I Heard in West Africa are traditional African short stories. They were originally told orally. They have been gathered together and illustrated by David A Naff, an SIM missionary. Each story includes Scriptures that relates to...