Powerful Prayer for Every Family
In a day of unprecedented attack on marriages and children, it has never been more crucial for families to experience God’s close presence. Yet today, busy families seem to flounder when it comes to the most crucial foundation — powerful prayer! Thank God, our Lord has provided a powerful remedy for even the busiest families. There is good news in the fact any family can learn to experience prayers that truly transform and protect. In Powerful Prayer for Every Family, readers will discover the essential missing keys. (Matthew 6:6-13)
Praying a Hedge of Protection
While studies show most families pray in ways that are far too general and vague, more and more are learning to pray with power! They are learning it really does matter what and how they pray. Believers are also discovering how to pray an effective “hedge of protection” around their loved ones. Perhaps best of all, families are learning that powerful prayer patterns are not complicated, impractical or out of reach.
In Powerful Prayer for Every Family, all believers will discover the awesome power of spiritual cleansing. Readers will also experience the powerful dynamic of a “united prayer blitz.” Once families understand the principles of spiritual cleansing and united agreement, they experience God’s presence as never before. Best of all, God’s grace makes victory possible for every marriage, single parent and family. Now every family can experience the God’s awesome presence and power!
For over twenty-five years, Dr. Frizzell has pastored churches and conducted national prayer conferences. His life-long research is prayer, evangelism, and spiritual awakening. On this subject, he has written over twenty books. For four years, he hosted three multi-state radio programs addressing prayer and revival. He has served as Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Specialist of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the North American Mission Board. Dr. Frizzell is founder and president of a non-profit ministry that distributes books and resources in well over thirty languages. His wife Sandy is a treasured prayer partner and invaluable aide to his ministry.
If you have any questions regarding your order of his books, please call 864.777.0782 to leave a message or email info@frizzellministries.org. For International orders, please contact Greg Frizzell at info@frizzellministries.org. The books are shipped Tuesday and Thursday only. Orders received after 7:00 am EST on Tuesday will be shipped the following Thursday. Orders received after 7:00 am EST on Thursday will be shipped the following Tuesday. Additionally, there will be no shipping of Greg Frizzell’s Books on the following dates:
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