How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life – by Dr Greg Frizzell

Aug 4, 2001

How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life

You can become a powerful intercessor! Today there are rising signs that God is calling His people back to Himself through prayer and repentance. Yet, most of God’s children still feel intimidated about their prayer life. Indeed, many confess that prayer is the weakest area of their lives. God wants us to change that!

God wants His children to experience prayer as a dynamic “relationship with Him,” not just a ritual. In How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life, you will discover all the elements of powerful prayer and a dynamic walk with God. Most of all, you will experience prayer as the heart of your relationship with Jesus Christ. God longs to revolutionize your prayer life and your walk with Him. Don’t settle for anything less than His best!


Please purchase from Greg Frizzell’s website


For over twenty-five years, Dr. Frizzell has pastored churches and conducted national prayer conferences. His life-long research is prayer, evangelism, and spiritual awakening. On this subject, he has written over twenty books. For four years, he hosted three multi-state radio programs addressing prayer and revival. He has served as Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Specialist of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the North American Mission Board. Dr. Frizzell is founder and president of a non-profit ministry that distributes books and resources in well over thirty languages. His wife Sandy is a treasured prayer partner and invaluable aide to his ministry.

If you have any questions regarding your order of his books, please call 864.777.0782 to leave a message or email For International orders, please contact Greg Frizzell at The books are shipped Tuesday and Thursday only. Orders received after 7:00 am EST on Tuesday will be shipped the following Thursday. Orders received after 7:00 am EST on Thursday will be shipped the following Tuesday. Additionally, there will be no shipping of Greg Frizzell’s Books on the following dates:

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  1. Olá .Escrevo este enmail com o objetivo de ter informações sobre o Livro Como Desenvolver uma Vida Poderosa de Oração.Tenho muito interesse em saber como adquiri-lo pois estamos com esse ministério de oração em nossa igreja e preciso de mais alguns livros.Moro em Manaus(Brasil) e faço parte da Igreja Batista do Japiim.Deixo meu enmail para ter uma resposta,Obrigada.(

  2. Your book on developing a powerful prayer life has been life changing! and I’m only in the early stages of this process of developing – increasing, my prayer life. I have been saved for many years and my husband & I are pastoring a small, but growing church. We have used parts of this book to encourage chruch members during bible study. Thank You for your faithfulness and obedience to God in writing these books. – Rose Brooks, Marysville, Ohio


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