A book for every every pastor, deacon, and church family who desires to see the ministry of the church strengthened and made more effective.
Together in Ministry:
- • will allow every pastor to see clearly their primary responsibility as they shepherd the church;
- • will allow every deacon to understand their call to serve the church and assist the pastor in ministry;
- • will allow the wives to understand the vital part they fulfill in ministry; and
- • will allow ever church to see the benefit of the pastor and deacons involved in ministry together.
Pastor Andy Taylor writes, “I have had Ted do Pastor-Deacon training three times in two churches. I can tell you what you will read in this book has the potential to change the church you serve. I has changed us. It has changed me.”
$ 7.99
TED KERSH lives to help Christians and pastors build their lives on the solid teaching of the Bible. His verse by verse approach will help you practically understand the Word of God. A Luther Rice Seminary graduate, he received the 1997 Eagle Award for Excellence in Ministry. Learn more at EquippedByHisWord.org.