In the Strength of His Might – by Susan Jeans

May 9, 2014

In the Strength of His Might

In the Strength of His Might – Remaining Faithful in the Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation, the end times, the prophecies of Daniel, the warnings of Jesus, the vision of John…what do they all mean – and are they relevant to today?

If you have ever wondered about Biblical prophecies concerning the end of this age but have been afraid to try to tackle such sweeping amounts of Scripture (and the terrifying subject matter), this book was written just for you. In a defense of a pre-wrath rapture, In the Strength of His Might follows the Scriptures through Daniel’s insights, Jesus’ discourse on the end times, Paul’s exhortation to the church at Thessalonica, and John’s vision as recorded in Revelation. Laying out these difficult passages in a logical, easy-to-follow outline and exposition, this study serves as an encouragement to be sure that you have your “house in order” as well as instruction on how to be prepared. This is one book you cannot afford to miss.

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SUSAN JEANS is a Texas attorney who has been a Bible student using the Precept Ministries curriculum for over 20 years, and a Precept leader since 2004. The audio recordings of her more recent lectures can be found on her website: She has been married since 1975 to David Jeans; they have two grown daughters, one in San Antonio, Texas, and the other in Boston, Massachusetts. David and Susan live in El Paso, Texas, with their two dogs.

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