Jul 13, 2012 | 2010-2014, All Books, Frizzell
Forty Days of Seeking God “For Revival, Elections and Key Leaders” After decades of “calls to prayer and repentance,” one question stands preeminent. “Why has the moral and spiritual collapse continued mostly unabated?” In Forty Days of Seeking God, believers discover...
Aug 4, 2005 | 2005-2009, All Books, Frizzell
Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Revised Edition “Turning Pastor Search into Churchwide Renewal!” For churches in the midst of pastor search, I have great news! When the pastor leaves, Jesus doesn’t–. How glorious to realize the interim can actually become a...
Aug 4, 2004 | 2000-2004, All Books, Frizzell
De regreso a la santidad (Returning to Holiness – Spanish) Santidad y arrepentimiento Cómo recuperar la clave olvidada del despertamiento arrasador ¡Qué asombroso leer de los grandes despertamientos espirituales pasados, en los que números que alcanzaron al diez...
Aug 4, 2003 | 2000-2004, All Books, Frizzell
Releasing the Revival Flood – Revised Edition “We have met the enemy and the enemy is us!” Sadly, this quote aptly describes the condition of far too many modern congregations and families. As seldom seen in history, today’s churches, families, and denominations...
Aug 4, 2001 | 2000-2004, All Books, Frizzell
How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life You can become a powerful intercessor! Today there are rising signs that God is calling His people back to Himself through prayer and repentance. Yet, most of God’s children still feel intimidated about their prayer life....