
Book Specs
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Your Email *
2. Title of Book *
3. Subtitle
4. I have read the final text and approve it for typesetting *

  • Yes!
  • No, there are changes
5. Book Size to Print *

  • 4×6
  • 4.25×7
  • 5×8
  • 5.25×8
  • 5.5×8.325
  • 5.5×8.5
  • 6×9
  • 7×9
  • 8×8
  • 8×10
  • 8.25×11
  • 8.5×11
6. Contributors (author, co-author, illustrator, etc.), please indicate role *
7. List price (for paperback, ebook, and hardback) *
8. Categories. List three in order of importance. This is crucial to get right, since you want your book to show up in searches for your main categories. Here’s a link to the Book Industry Study Group categories. https://bisg.site-ym.com/page/BISACEdition *
9. Keywords (what someone might type in to find your book at Amazon) *
10. Description for back of book or at least what a book seller would use. Amazon allows 4000 characters in the input field for Kindle e-books, and Barnes & Noble allows 5000 for Nook e-books. That’s a lot of words, and you should make sure that all your keywords, including your long-tail keywords that will be 2, 3 or 4 words long are included here. Hit every note, you’ll be glad you did. *
11. Short Description (100 words or less) *
12. Very short description (less than 40 words) *