Releasing the Revival Flood - Revised Edition “We have met the enemy and the enemy is us!” Sadly, this quote aptly describes the condition of far too many modern congregations and families. As seldom seen in history, today’s churches, families, and denominations are...
Gifts from the Bridegroom – by Jan Brunette
Gifts from the Bridegroom - Inheriting a Beauty that Lasts Jesus, our priceless Bridegroom, desires to fill us with His abundant goodness and treasures untold. As you open the covers of this book, you will discover: a purity that rests in Him alone wisdom beyond all...
Hidden for Glory, Destined for Adoption – by SuDawn Peters
Hidden for Glory, Destined for Adoption "Though I am not a missionary, nor even a bold witness in approaching strangers, I can make the difference in the lives of many by touching and investing in the life of just one child." This belief has led one family on a...
Seeing Struggles as Stepping Stones – by LeAnn Allen
Seeing Struggles as Stepping Stones - I & II Peter FOCUS is a brand new Bible study designed to help you see your life and circumstances through God's 20/20 long-range vision. This study on 1st and 2nd Peter will teach you to see your struggles as stepping stones...
How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life – by Dr Greg Frizzell
How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life You can become a powerful intercessor! Today there are rising signs that God is calling His people back to Himself through prayer and repentance. Yet, most of God's children still feel intimidated about their prayer life. Indeed,...
As the Waters Cover the Sea – by Judy Finley
As The Waters Cover The Sea Travel with Caitlyn and Eryn from their home to the seashore and learn about God's creation! Walk with them as they discover the awesomeness of God's separation of the water and dry land. This children's book encourages belief in the...
Returning to Holiness – by Dr Greg Frizzell
Returning to Holiness How awesome to read of the past Great Awakenings where numbers equaling ten percent of entire national populations were saved in less than a year! The burning question is, "How can we see another great spiritual awakening?" Certainly prayer is...